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Cost of Using Shared Agents

On ConsoleX, you can use shared AI Agents to complete tasks in specific domains such as meeting transcription, document translation, icon generation, and more. These models are built using intelligent agent orchestration tools like Coze and Dify.

When using shared AI Agents, various large models and API interfaces are typically utilized, and this process will consume your Credits on ConsoleX. You will be able to see all cost consumption records for using shared Agents in your account balance.

The number of Tokens and Credits consumed for each use of an agent depends on the respective agent platform.

Using Coze Agents

When using agents from Coze through ConsoleX, Coze Tokens will be consumed. We will charge based on the number of Tokens consumed as returned by the API call. The pricing standards are as follows:

Coze1M tokens$13

For more information about Coze Tokens, please refer to:

Using Dify Agents

When using agents built on Dify through ConsoleX, the specific costs depend on the large models used in the process. Refer to the model pricing section for details.